Instagram & Celebrities
The world’s most famous people and companies use Instagram: Cristiano Ronaldo has 243 million followers, Pope Francis 7.5 million, Angela Merkel 1.5 million, the Louvre Museum 4.3 million and Heidi Klum 7.7 million, to name a few.
Back in 2012, the BBC published an article with the headline: ‘President Barack Obama joins photo site Instagram’. In the article, BBC reported that Instagram had just been named “app of the year 2011” by Apple and that the company was “delighted” that the President is using the app.
Going grey
In 2016, Der Spiegel published an article entitled: “Heidi Klum shows her first grey hair on Instagram”. Well, if that doesn’t prove your reputation, then I don’t know what does! Even T-mobiles 2019 publication “Queen Elizabeth publishes her first Instagram post” can’t surpass that.
Advertising fees
And how much money are those celebrities making from their advertising on the platform now? In 2019 German ARD published “When Instagram brings more money than professional football”, and announced that Cristiano Ronaldo earns $47 million a year via Instagram, Lionel Messi $23 million and Kendall Jenner $16 million.
Based on this evidence, EUIPO can’t ignore the evidence any longer: the hugely famous Instagram logo means that the brand has a very wide scope of protection. Anyone who goes into battle with a brand like that has guts. It might not be clever, but it’s gutsy.
Bas Kist
This article was previously published on Adformatie (Dutch).