The show took place years ago in Naples, the city where Maradona once became all the rage as a football player. Pictures of the shirt appeared on social media and on the website of D&G after the show.
It was only recently that the Italian court ruled in this case, in which Maradona claimed that the fashion house had unfairly benefited from his great reputation. The public might think that the footballer had made a deal with D&G.
Italy is known for giving wide protection to celebrities whose name, portrait or voice is used without permission. As such, Maradona drew the longest straw. However, the amount of the compensation was slightly lower than the calculations of the football star: Diego received ‘only’ € 70,000.
What would have happened if this case had occurred in the Netherlands? Probably the same. Here, too, you cannot use the name of a well-known athlete for commercial purposes unsolicited. A nice example: in 1997, the then ‘world-famous’ Dutch hockey international Floris Jan Bovelander managed to ban an advertisement for sports shoes in which his striking first names – Floris Jan – were changed into Floris Johan Cruijff. It also earned him € 5.000 in damages.