Older trademark
On April the 29th, Swiss blockchain company Dfinity filed a lawsuit in a California court. According to Dfinity, Meta’s new logo infringes on Dfinity’s brand, also portraying the infinity symbol. Dfinity has used its logo since October 2018 and holds a US trademark registration. The Swiss fear that consumers will confuse the logos.
A lot at stake
The bigger the brand, the more possible conflicts with a trademark change. I think this statement is generally correct. And that’s especially true when it comes to a common name like Meta or a well-known sign like the infinity symbol. Much of the market’s objections will come from gold miners, companies hoping to cash in on a deal with wealthy Facebook. But there are undoubtedly more serious challenges to deal with too. Anyway, it’s still a long road ahead for the Meta trademark, with legal proceedings, settlement and buy-out. But they surely took these factors into account from the start.
Bas Kist