A sure thing
When in 2019, a certain Vincenzo Cristiano also decided to apply for the name Cristiano as a cosmetic trademark, Eden Parfums was, of course, immediately ready to put a stop to it. A sure thing, you might think.
Wrong name
Nevertheless, the European trademark office EUIPO rejected Eden’s objection at the beginning of November. The reason is that the opposition was filed on behalf of Eden Classics Ltd, while the registrations stand in the name of Eden Parfums Ltd. It’s not exceptional for EUIPO to oversee minor errors, such as typing or writing errors, but in this case, according to EUIPO, there is no question of an ‘obvious error’. The opposition had simply been filed on behalf of the wrong entity, and in that case, EUIPO can’t do anything but send the opponent home empty-handed. A painful defeat, also for Ronaldo.