Eligibility criteria for the subsidy

The subsidy is intended for Dutch SMEs aiming to offer their products or services internationally. To qualify, your business must meet the following criteria:

  • A maximum of 250 employees.
  • An annual turnover of no more than €50 million.
  • A balance sheet total under €43 million.

Additionally, your business must be a legal entity registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK). Companies without legal entity status, such as sole proprietorships, general partnerships (VOFs), and partnerships, are excluded from this scheme.

merkregistratie subsidie mkb

What does the subsidy cover?

The subsidy supports advice and guidance from external experts (such as Chiever) for trademark or design registration. It also covers costs for international trademark research and advice on international trademark registrations.

  • Reimbursement: 50% of incurred costs, up to €2,500.
  • Multiple Countries: For registration in multiple countries, the subsidy can go up to €6,500 in certain cases.

How Does the Application Process Work?

Step 1 – Request a quote: Request a quote from Chiever for international trademark registration or advisory services.
Step 2 – Receive the quote: You will receive a detailed quote and the CV of the trademark advisor, tailored to meet the SIB scheme requirements.
Step 3 – Submit application: Submit your subsidy application yourself, including the quote and CV. Chiever can assist with this process.
Step 4 – Start assignement: Once approved, assign Chiever to begin the registration or research process.
Step 5 – Decision: Within 8–13 weeks, you will receive the decision. If approved, the subsidy amount will be transferred to your account within two weeks.

Stappenplan subsidie merkregistratie
Get Expert Advice!

Trademark Registration Subsidy

Chiever is happy to advise you on submitting a subsidy application for your international trademark or design registration. For more information or to receive a quote to use for your application, feel free to contact us. Leave your details, and we’ll get in touch with you—no obligations!

Klaas Beks Senior Trademark Attorney (Partner) +31 (0)20 8204026

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About Chiever

Chiever Trademark Agency advises companies on the legal protection of trademarks and designs. We do this not only in the Netherlands but worldwide. We conduct research, advise on risks, and register and monitor our clients’ trademarks. You might say, many others do this too. So why choose Chiever?

  • Personal & efficient
  • Practical & concise advice
  • Passion for the profession
  • Always a fair price
  • The specialist in conflict resolution
Benelux Trademark Firm of the Year