Merkdepot Tobacco Italia
Trademark application Tobacco Italia

Six rooftops

The tobacco giant, meanwhile, has filed opposition to Tobacco Italia’s application. And to leave nothing to chance, they are throwing no fewer than six rooftops into the fray: all European trademark registrations, in which the Marlboro rooftop plays a starring role.

Europese registraties Philip Morris
European registrations Philip Morris

Half a village

And then you might think: that’s a lot, six European trademark registrations to properly protect the roofto. Well, I can tell you that the company has more: a very cursory analysis of Philip Morris’ European trademark portfolio yields 75 registered rooftops, say half a village! That Marlboro rooftop is well covered!

Philip Morris


Besides the six rooftops mentioned, Philip Morris has also deployed a seventh trademark registration: that of the logo PM with the horses. And yes, indeed, you will also find a similar design in the Napoli packaging. Miraculous, what a coincidence!

Bas Kist