Six rooftops
The tobacco giant, meanwhile, has filed opposition to Tobacco Italia’s application. And to leave nothing to chance, they are throwing no fewer than six rooftops into the fray: all European trademark registrations, in which the Marlboro rooftop plays a starring role.

Half a village
And then you might think: that’s a lot, six European trademark registrations to properly protect the roofto. Well, I can tell you that the company has more: a very cursory analysis of Philip Morris’ European trademark portfolio yields 75 registered rooftops, say half a village! That Marlboro rooftop is well covered!
Besides the six rooftops mentioned, Philip Morris has also deployed a seventh trademark registration: that of the logo PM with the horses. And yes, indeed, you will also find a similar design in the Napoli packaging. Miraculous, what a coincidence!
Bas Kist