Nike has urged Skiman to withdraw its trademark registration and stop using this logo. According to Nike, Jumpman and Skiman are so similar that there is a danger of confusion. And of course there is something in that: put Michael Jordan on a pair of skis and substitute the ball for a ski pole and you have Skiman. If Nike doesn’t win that one I’ll eat my ski boots!
But would the Skiman be in quite a pickle right now? Or is he actually enjoying all the international attention such a conflict with the famous Jumpman gets? I suspect so. When you’re this close to a world-renowned logo and you also choose the brand name Skiman, it’s almost inevitable that you’re out for a publicity-interest riot with the great Nike.
The strategy then is as follows: choose a logo that is very similar to Nike’s world-renowned brand. After the first threat letter from Nike, draft a cracking press release: “Nike attacks sympathetic Colorado ski store”. Then stand firm and deny any resemblance. If the threat begins to take on more serious proportions, make an emotional retreat in a new press release and immediately introduce Skiman’s new logo.
Second logo
Looking at Skiman’s website (, this scenario becomes increasingly plausible. In fact, Skiman also uses another logo of a skier, which does have sufficient distance from the Jumpman. This mark could be used as an immediate replacement after this affray. I am going to keep a close eye on the continuation of this issue.
Bas Kist