
Of course, this is a sculpture, a work of art, and not a pair of sports pants. From a legal point of view, therefore, it probably will be no problem. Still, it remains a bit strange that precisely the Amsterdam Court decided to place this sculpture pontifically in front of its courtroom.

Adidas Rechtbank in Amsterdam

Trademark infringement

This court has to rule almost daily in conflicts about trademark infringement. It could just happen that adidas will be on its doorstep in a few weeks to take action against a rival stripe thief. Should it be the training pants that the statue is wearing here, there’s a pretty good chance that would have to be labeled trademark infringement.

Louis Vuitton

Surely it seems a somewhat awkward position into which the Amsterdam court has put its judges. After all, as a court, you also would not put an artwork of a giant fake Louis Vuitton bag in front of your door, would you?

Bas Kist

Bas Kist is mede-oprichter van Merkenbureau Chiever. Hij schrijft regelmatig artikelen over merken- en auteursrecht in de Volkskrant en Adformatie. Daarnaast is hij docent bij de European Institute for Brand management EURIB.